
Spreading your January self-assessment payment

Time-to-pay arrangement explained As we start to recover from the worst effects of the Covid 19 Pandemic, many owners, directors and self-employed individuals remain concerned about having enough funds to pay their self-assessment income tax bill. The good news is that HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) does have a facility for spreading out your income

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Best ways to withdraw profits from your company

What is the most tax-efficient way for business owners to pay themselves? Limited companies are separate legal entities from their owners therefore profits cannot be simply taken out, even if you are a sole director and shareholder – they belong to the company. As opposed to self-employed, company owners must follow certain procedures to get

Best ways to withdraw profits from your company Read More »

Would cash basis accounting suit my business? 

Pros and cons of cash basis and who can use it The most common accounting method is accrual. The Financial Reporting Standards require limited companies to produce financial statements under accrual basis. This is a complex method that entails a lot of end of year adjustments. Therefore, HMRC allows some taxpayers to prepare their tax

Would cash basis accounting suit my business?  Read More »

Self-Assessment – Who needs to file a tax return? What are the Self-Assessment tasks and deadlines?

Self-Assessment demystified Some of us have all of their tax collected at source and don’t need to get involved with the taxman. Others, who fall into the Self-Assessment regime, need to complete certain tasks annually. Below, we explain what Self-Assessment is and who it applies to. We also outline important tasks and deadlines as well

Self-Assessment – Who needs to file a tax return? What are the Self-Assessment tasks and deadlines? Read More »

How to take advantage of the increased Annual Investment Allowance and avoid its pitfalls?

Now is a really good time to invest in your business, but you need to do it wisely!   The Annual Investment Allowance went up from £200,000 to £1,000,000 in January this year so it might be tempting to invest now. What is more, the allowance is set to go back down to £200,00 in just

How to take advantage of the increased Annual Investment Allowance and avoid its pitfalls? Read More »

How does National Minimum Wage apply to sleep-in shifts?

Are your employees entitled to pay for the time they were asleep? Following the court ruling in Royal Mencap Society vs Tomlinson-Blake case, significant changes have been introduced to the way workers on sleep-in shifts are paid.  1. What is National Minimum Wage and who it applies to? National Minimum Wage is a minimum amount

How does National Minimum Wage apply to sleep-in shifts? Read More »

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